Sunday May 24, 2015 - 5:45 PM

Alexandria, VA

Tuesday May 24th

We will begin our celebration of Confederate Memorial Day hosted by the Gen. Samuel Cooper Chapter #105 MOS&B at 5:45 PM with a gravesite service at the tomb of Alexandria’s Confederate heroes laid to rest in the Christ Church cemetery at the intersection of Washington and Cameron Streets. Christ Church is intolerant of Confederate uniforms and flags on Church property so those so attired must remain on the public sidewalk with the Maryland Color Guard in front of the gravesite. Plain clothed attendees may enter the cemetery.

The Service of Remembrance will be held at 6:30 PM at St. Andrew & St. Margaret of Scotland at 402 E. Monroe Avenue in the Del Ray area of Alexandria. The service and sermon delivered by the Rector, Rev. LTC John Lewis Roddy USAR (Ret) and he encourages us to display Confederate flags, wear uniforms and regalia, and respectfully honor those who faithfully gave their all in a manner that would make our ancestors proud.

Immediately following the services, dinner will be served in the undecroft. Please RSVP (see last page of the April General Orders) for our Southron BBQ at a cost of $28 pp ($14 for those 17 and under). Potables will be available. There is parking, wear your Confederate attire, smoking is permitted in the rectory garden, bring your favorite adult beverage(s), and invite your friends.

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