Monday Feb 20, 2017 - 1:00 PM

Alexandria, VA

Compatriots and Friends, on Monday, February 20th, the R.E. Lee Camp and Samuel Cooper Chapter will parade our flags and banner on the streets of Old Town Alexandria celebrating the birthday of our first President and Commander in Chief George Washington. The Camp requests your support in marching with us and if possible help by carrying a Camp/Chapter flag in a display of the South’s honored place in American history. Bring your significant other and young people and let them see a lesson in freedom demonstrated in the streets of Alexandria. We will be joined by other groups that day, including the Maryland Division SCV Color Guard, Capt. Ed Creasy, Liberty Hall Fife & Drum Corps, and the Frank Stringfellow Camp #822.  For additional information see the official parade website:

We will meet at the corner of S. Pitt and Wilkes Streets (details will be provided prior to the parade so let us know if plan to join us). We can also meet at the Firehook Bakery at the corner of Wilkes and South Washington, watch for parking restrictions.

Arrival time:  12:15 pm (at Firehook Bakery)

Parade start time: 1 pm (be at staging area)

Requirement: Neat appearance in civilian clothing or uniform or period costume.

Following the parade: We shall gather at O’Connell’s, 112 King Street, where we have reserved a large space in the main bar near the fireplace for an after-action, Dutch-treat gathering for Southern camaraderie and fellowship.

We march with other military heritage organizations and receive cheers, salutes, and applause from the crowd of adults and young people who line the streets. On that note, I urge my fellow Compatriots to participate in our public events. Showing Confederate Colors is the simplest, most direct way to keep Southern Heritage before the public. Fulfill the Charge to Confederate Veterans. Participate in and help organize for public events. Your support and involvement are critical. Please set aside the following dates and come out and march with us:

1) Confederate Memorial Day, May 24, 2017

2) National Memorial Day Parade, May 29, 2017

The Color Guard cannot uphold Southern Honor without member participation. The Color Guard, Camp, and Chapter needs your participation!


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